With wheels from the GoBilda Starter Kit, this servo-powered design can quickly pick up and place samples. A third servo adds rotation on the end of the arm, allowing us to pick up and place at the angles we desire.
Our arm can extend enough to place in the high basket and ascend onto the top rung. We have preset extension and rotation locations in our code as well as manual controls, enabling us to cycle samples and specimens quickly.
We originally had a mecanum drivetrain, but we decided to use wheels without rollers. Mecanum wheels caused our auton to be inaccurate, and omnidirectional movement isn’t very helpful in INTO THE DEEP.
The robot was modeled in SOLIDWORKS. Our Onshape model can be found by clicking the image above.
COBALT has 2 autonomous OpModes. Our primary auton places a preloaded sample, three yellow spike mark samples, and a colored spike mark sample in the high basket before parking. Our secondary auton places a specimen on the high chamber and pushes the three alliance-specific spike mark samples into the observation zone.